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Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance and Accreditations
With our ISO9001 and BS/EN 1090-1 accreditations we are proud to deliver a quality product and service every time, providing our customers with the confidence that orders will be delivered on time and correct to the highest of standards, every time.
Certification to BS EN ISO 9001:2015
The company has also achieved separate Certification to BS EN ISO 9001:2015. This serves to assure our clients of a fully qualified team of experienced personnel as part of all activities from receiving the enquiry through to delivery. The Comprehensive quality standard covers the Manufacture of Bespoke steel fabrication to national, international and customer specification for quarrying, mining recycling, and waste management sectors.. This includes safety critical items .
Certification to BS EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011 Execution class 2
To work in the most safety critical environments requires the highest levels of quality assurance We have been awarded a Factory Production Control (FPC) certificate conforming to the BS EN 1090-1:2009-+A1:2011 standard. The Company Certification is to Execution class 2. This demonstrates that the Company is able to provide advanced level compliance to the CE marking required in Structural Steel Regulation.
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